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Cognac' OT

Our craftsmanship

Cognac' OT

Our farm

Cognac' OT

Our vines

Cognac' OT

Our harvests

This time of year is precious

This autumn period determines the date of harvest and the maturity of the grapes It is, for each winegrower, the culmination of a year of work, He pruned all winter, worked the vines and shaped the vegetation to carry out the fruit of his vineyard.

The evolution of the climate strongly influences the maturity of the grapes and significantly advances the harvest date.

A beautiful and good harvest results from favorable weather, increased monitoring of the grapes and meticulous preservation of the vines which make the nobility of the Cognac’OT range.

The 2 hectares of the beginning soon become 30 hectares of white grape vines producing a wine based on Ugni blanc intended to be transformed into eau-de-vie, which will then be aged in oak barrels to become Cognac.

The harvests are carried out by the winemakers of the domain, they alone hold the secret of the opportune moment for the lifting.

Every day they taste a piece of fruit, understand its flavor, and when they see the fine-tasting grape they’re looking for, then the harvest falls into place.

It is with high-performance, delicate and land-friendly equipment that the fruits are picked.

The harvest season is in late summer or early fall.

The region has a so-called “late” grape variety specific to the territories around Cognac and which offers this particular taste to spirits.

This grape makes it possible to obtain a delicacy of the eaux-de-vie that is delicious and important for a good Cognac.

Our Farm

Cognac Ot

11 rue Jean Lamoureux

16 130 Salles d’angles


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